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16 февр. 2011 г.

Neslihan Darnel: " I love Azerbaijan and why not to play there?"

The best player of the Turkish volleyball history Neslihan Darnel gave an interview to the Azeri magazine "Bizim Futbol" in December 2010.
Some thoughts by Neslihan Darnel about Azerbaijan and its volleyball: " Azerbaijan is a country which I love and know so much things about. We had met Azeri National team many times. I can say you have very strong National team. Our teams are rather like each other. Even our game style is very similar. But I think we did great progress the last year. This season we got much stronger and entered the list of the strongest teams." noted Neslihan Darnel.
" Now I can not compare Azeri and Turkish leagues. Because Azeri league has been improved a lot recently. But I know it is reality that many star players who have great career in their National teams, choose Azerbaijan to play and it is very good to improve the level of the league. As many good clubs you have as stronger your league is. I have never got an offer from Azerbaijan,but I am supporter to play in Azerbaijan which is very close country for me. Why not? It would be pleasure for me, too. I have played in very strong teams and want to continue my career in that way."

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